Kiev Lyceum. Bohuna expressed gratitude to Alla Landar for support and guardianship of the pupils

Kiev Lyceum. Bohuna expressed gratitude to the entrepreneur and public figure Alla Landar for the support and guardianship of the pupils.
On June 24, 2020, the head of the educational and health-improving complex of the Kiev Military Lyceum named after V.I. Ivan Bohun Colonel Pyotr Potekhin.
“To receive an award from the hands of Pyotr Gennadievich, a man who has been in the ranks of the Armed Forces for 25 years, is an extremely pleasant and joyful event for me. After all, he is a real warrior and patriot who personally took part in the Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine. For personal courage. and the heroism shown in the defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, by the decree of the President of Ukraine was awarded the state award of Ukraine - the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, "Alla Landar noted.
Alla Landar said that she has been helping this educational institution for several years. According to her, the parents of many of the graduates of the Lyceum. Bohun passed ATO, and tomorrow the graduates themselves will become the new elite of our Armed Forces of Ukraine. "The cadets get acquainted not only with the military traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people, but also with army everyday life and military affairs. Bogunsky Lyceum is a living connection between generations, the transmission of the glorious traditions of cadets throughout the history of the cadet movement in Ukraine. A new consciousness is being formed in these classes today. defenders of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, "added Alla Landar.
Over the last time, Alla Landar has two more awards. This is a Gratitude from the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure for a significant contribution to the development of housing and communal services of the city of Kiev on July 2, 2019, as well as a Gratitude from the hands of the Mayor of Vasilkov Vladimir Sabadash for a significant contribution to the development of the city's infrastructure and long-term fruitful cooperation with Vasilkovsky City Council for 2019 ...
Alla Landar is a metropolitan entrepreneur and public figure. For many years of activity on the development of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine and assistance in the construction of churches, volunteering in the ATO region and personal support of soldiers, charity, development of the capital's infrastructure, entrepreneurial activity, protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs was awarded numerous awards and distinctions.
Diploma of the UOC (KP) - for assistance in the construction of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (2010).
Certificate of honor of the Council of Entrepreneurs at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for a huge personal contribution to the development of entrepreneurship, active public position, protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs (2012).
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine for a huge personal contribution to the development of entrepreneurship, upholding the rights and interests of entrepreneurs, an active life position (2012).
Order of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara from the UOC (KP) - for merits in the revival of spirituality and the establishment of the Local Church in Ukraine (2013).
Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga of the UOC (MP) for services to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, active participation in the construction of the temple, the revival of spirituality and the establishment of Ukrainian Orthodoxy (2013).
Diploma of the volunteer battalion "Donbass" - for an active public position, patriotism and the development of the volunteer movement (2014).
Certificate of honor of the Union of Warriors of Afghanistan for humanity and humanism while honoring the defenders of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine (2014).
Gratitude from the command and personnel of the 3rd separate special-purpose regiment - for personal support of the ATO soldiers (2015).
Gratitude from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for an active public position, patriotism, assistance in the release of prisoners of war, the development of the volunteer movement in the early years of the ATO in eastern Ukraine (2015).
Gratitude from the military unit p / n B2326 for patriotism, support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the development of the volunteer movement and personal support of the ATO soldiers (2015).
Gratitude from the "Aydar" battalion for an active public position, patriotism and development of the volunteer movement (2015).
Gratitude from the "Right Sector" for patriotism, support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the development of the volunteer movement and personal support of the ATO soldiers (2015).
Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr the Great III degree from the UOC (KP) for assistance in the release of our prisoners of war in eastern Ukraine, as well as for merits in the revival of spirituality and the establishment of the Local Church in Ukraine (2016).
Medal "For sacrifice and love for Ukraine" - from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (KP) (2016).
Order of Nicholas the Wonderworker (UOC-KP) for volunteering in the ATO area, as well as for merits in the revival of spirituality and the establishment of the Local Church in Ukraine (2017).
Order of the Holy Archangel Michael, 2nd degree from the OCU (September 19, 2019).