Funeral planner
The funeral planner will come to the help you, give solemnity to the funeral, relieve relatives of the hassle of preparing and organizing funeral events, give a farewell speech, tell about life's journey, and follow the order from the beginning of the ceremony to its end. The death of a loved one is accompanied by a stressful situation, so the help of an experienced and attentive master of ceremonies, who knows everything about funerals, can hardly be overestimated.
So, the funeral planner will advise as to the rituals and traditions; facilitate responsibilities correctly; will take over contacts with all institutions involved in the funeral by the funeral hall, hospital, mortuary, crematorium; correctly organizes the funeral procession and taking out the body, saying a farewell word, having previously described the stages of the long journey with relatives, will provide words for farewell to everyone who wants to; determine the place of farewell in the cemetery, correctly indicate the places for the coffin, wreaths, cross, monitor the timeliness of the church service, musical accompaniment, the order of farewell; will check the availability of all necessary documents. For decades, we have assembled a strong team of funeral directors – real professionals who are always ready to help, organize the ceremony with dignity, correctly, on time and competently. Together with you, our specialist will describe the life of the deceased, read the obituary at the cemetery and in the ritual hall.