Lifetime contract
Lifetime contract is one of the new, but already quite popular ritual services in our country. The time has come for its full-fledged publication.
The lifetime contract is also called the preliminary planning of the funeral, as it contains a detailed plan for the future farewell ceremony. After the death of the person specified in the Agreement, the funeral agency is guaranteed to provide a full range of services for organizing the funeral in strict accordance with the will of the deceased during his lifetime. You can find out more about planning a funeral in the legal office of our company – from an experienced specialist who will answer all your questions in detail and bring everything to its logical conclusion from the legal side. The practice of planning a funeral while alive for tens of years has been widespread in the United States, Canada, Australia and the European Union, where burial houses have always been engaged in. A popular service with them is the conclusion of an Agreement for a funeral while alive. Today the Lifetime Contract is a modern approach that has a specific legal status with a guarantee of performance. It is based on the manifestation of care for their loved ones, the removal of all problems from them, a sincere desire to help them in difficult times in advance, as well as a fair expectation of a worthy burial in the future in accordance with their own ideas, capabilities and desires.