Transport to accompany the funeral procession
Transport to accompany the funeral procession from the funeral home in Kiev, Ukraine «Petr Velikiy»
Смерть рідної людини – не лише горе для близьких, але й складне завдання в організації похорону. Документи для кремації, для поховання в урні з прахом або традиційно в труні, для отримання лікарської довідки про смерть та Свідоцтва про смерть, для транспортування «Вантажу-200» – ось базовий список документів, які потрібно оформити і отримати. Через непростий психологічний стан, черги, відірваність від місця проживання територіально, бюрократичні процедури, через брак досвіду, швидко і в потрібний термін зібрати необхідні документи для поховання та похорону буває складно. На допомогу прийде наша ритуальна служба: допомога в документальному супроводі похорону, у патанатомічному відділенні лікарень і рагсі, на кладовищі і в крематорії.

Ritual wreaths
The farewell ceremony with the deceased is difficult, sometimes it is too difficult to say even a few words aloud to those present. Ritual wreaths of fresh and artificial flowers are designed to lighten the atmosphere, which are not only an aesthetic flower.
Draping the burial place
Draping the burial place will help give the farewell ceremony an atmosphere full of peace, dignity and grandeur of the ritual, in addition, it warns against shedding the edges of the grave.
A worthy ritual ceremony carries a bright memory and pays tribute to the deceased. A funeral happens only once in a lifetime, so it is very important for all participants in the ceremony to take the person on his last journey and say goodbye to him with dignity.
During the decoration of the last resting place, the farewell of the place of farewell in the cemetery is of great aesthetic importance: both colored paths to the tent and to the grave itself. This will be another element of the overall solemn decoration of the entire burial place, and together with the tents, floristics and music will add a bright element of beauty to the uniqueness of the funeral ceremony. The visual perception of those present will become obvious from the first to the last moment of farewell to a person dear to the heart.

Advantages of cooperation with our company
Advantages of applying to our company complex ritual services: delicate attitude; reasonable and different pricing policy depending on the level of service; availability and efficiency; round-the-clock consultation.

Ritual wreaths
The farewell ceremony with the deceased is difficult, sometimes it is too difficult to say even a few words aloud to those present. Ritual wreaths of fresh and artificial flowers are designed to lighten the atmosphere, which are not only an aesthetic flower.

Artificial lawn around the pit
Artificial lawn in the cemetery - the perfect solution for landscaping. Our staff will conclude it within a few minutes, hiding from the participants of the funeral freshly dug land for the farewell ceremony.

A worthy ritual ceremony carries a bright memory and pays tribute to the deceased. A funeral happens only once in a lifetime, so it is very important for all participants in the ceremony to take the person on his last journey and say goodbye to him with dignity.
During the decoration of the last resting place, the farewell of the place of farewell in the cemetery is of great aesthetic importance: both colored paths to the tent and to the grave itself. This will be another element of the overall solemn decoration of the entire burial place, and together with the tents, floristics and music will add a bright element of beauty to the uniqueness of the funeral ceremony. The visual perception of those present will become obvious from the first to the last moment of farewell to a person dear to the heart.