To see off the last journey, plan a funeral plan, choose and order everything you need… Everything falls on the shoulders of family and friends. Every family strives to arrange everything in the best way, based on their financial capabilities and desires. Therefore, our company offers a wide range of coffins for all categories of our citizens. We want all families in grief to be able to choose this important element of the funeral in each of our ritual salon-shops: from traditional, upholstered in different colors - to elite lacquered wood, decorated with valuable species of trees of different shades. Our round-the-clock service of complex ritual services will allow you to choose a coffin from the leading manufacturers in Ukraine and well-known European brands.We take the issue of choosing a coffin for burial with all responsibility. Having ordered a beautiful, comfortable and well-made coffin, we pay the last tribute to the deceased, recognition and respect and express our respect and care for him. It is important to consult with our specialists, especially when the deceased is overweight or very tall. The shape of the coffin also differs from each other, the most common today are four- and hexagonal shapes. But there are also octagons. We will recommend both traditional coffins upholstered with fabric, and combined, as well as modern veneered and polished. Upholstered fabric has a spectacular appearance, because it uses silk, polyester, velvet, satin, a wide range of colors. Polished coffins are expensive and richly decorated, on the outer walls may be inherent in the faith of the deceased attributes and symbols. Depending on the method of polishing, modern coffins can be matte or glossy. Inside, polished and veneered coffins are decorated with expensive fabrics, and all the accessories will be chosen by you during the funeral. Our experts in such a serious matter as choosing a coffin for the burial of a loved one, consider your wishes and acquaint you with all possible proposals.